Jämtlandstriangeln. Foto: Niclas Vestefjell

STF – Svenska Turistföreningen

29 augusti, 2018
Text: Jämtland Härjedalen Turism
Photo: Niclas Vestefjell
The Swedish Tourist Association (STF) has a longstanding history in Jämtland Härjedalen, playing a big role in the development of mountain tourism in the region. The first accommodation in the area, Sylhyddan, was completed as early as 1890. STF own and operates a wide range of accommodations, including mountain stations, cabins, and hostels. The association also collaborates with around 200 privately owned accommodations through franchise agreements.

The mountain region stretches from Funäsfjällen in the south to Storlien in the north, Höglekardalen in the east, and the Norwegian border in the west. This area boasts over 500 kilometers of ski and hiking trails in largely roadless terrain. Currently, there are five mountain stations and six mountain cabins in the area. These facilities are open during the winter season from mid-February to the end of April and during the summer season from July to early October. The exception is Vålådalen, which is open year-round, providing consistent access to this unique alpine environment regardless of the season.

STF Jämtland Härjedalen 

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