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Deltagare i Spellbound by Sweden – Visningsresa Jämtland Härjedalen 2023

31 juli, 2023
Text: Anne Adsten och Johan Ericson, JHT
Servering på sked hos Wikners i Persåsen. Foto: Tina Stafrén

Här har vi samlat uppgifter om de företag som kommer att besöka Jämtland Härjedalen under visningsresan Spellbound by Sweden till Jämtland Härjedalen 24-29 september 2023. Visningsresan genomförs med max 7 deltagare och minimum 4. Dessutom deltar guide/reseledare från Jämtland Härjedalen Turism samt en representant för Visit Sweden i form av deras Travel Trade Manager för DACH-länderna (tyskspråkiga delarna av Österrike, Schweiz och Tyskland).

Samtliga deltagande researrangörer har Sverige i sitt utbud och nu hoppas vi att de även kommer att vilja ta med Jämtland Härjedalen i sin portfolio.

Researrangörer som redan idag säljer resor till Sverige

Nature Travels – Storbritannien

“Specialists for Outdoor & Adventure Holidays in the Nordic Countries since 2006, situated in Dorchester, Dorset in the UK. Recommended by The Guardian as one of the world’s “outstanding green travel companies.

“Experience: Over 17,000 guests from more than 20 countries have travelled with us.
Knowledge: In-depth, personal experience of all our activities to help you choose the ideal option.
Choice: More than 60 self-guided and guided adventures from easy to challenging for adults, families and groups.
Ecotourism: We work only with small-scale, local partners.
Responsibility: We partner with the Marine Conservation Society and Rainforest Concern to support conservation initiatives.

Client profile: Individuals, active families and occasionally small groups of friends. Typical age range for adult guests 25-55 years. Interested in the outdoors, sometimes with significant previous outdoor experience but may also be novice level. Level of challenge for the experiences we offer ranges from very accessible to very challenging.

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: Sweden remains the main destination for us – around 70% of our sales – are we are keen to continue to expand our range of outdoor experiences. We don’t currently offer anything in the Jämtland Härjedalen region but would be very interested to add this area to our portfolio.

Läs mer om Nature Travels som sedan tidigare erbjuder resor till bl a Tiveden, Stockholm och Lappland.

Regent Holidays – Storbritannien

“Creating personalised tours to some of the most extraordinary destinations in the world, we’re passionate about putting you on the path less travelled. With over fifty years’ experience, our knowledgeable team of Travel Specialists are committed to helping you get to the heart of a destination in a way that’s ethically responsible and individual to you.

Being one of the first tour operators to go behind the Iron Curtain to Albania, the Balkans, and Russia, this pioneering spirit has remained our driving force ever since. Our portfolio of adventures now spans the world over, from the northern lights of Iceland to the secrets of the silk road, and beyond. Step outside the ordinary with a tailor-made itinerary, small group tour or fly-drive, and see the world from another perspective.”

Client profile: cultural, soft activities, mostly clients over 50 years old

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: We feature Sweden but not this region and are keen to increase our knowledge to promote this region of Sweden.

Mer om Regent Holidays och deras hållbarhetspolicy

Diamir Erlebnisreisen – Tyskland

DIAMIR, is a tour operator based in Germany. A few words about DIAMIR: We are an expert and dynamic German tour operator, concentrating the knowledge and euphoria of 100+ expert travel designers under our brand. While loving small groups and upscale FIT bookings, we gained experience in the tourism industry since the year 2000. Kicking off with a group of 4 PAX traveling to Tanzania in our early days, we served ~10.000 guests in 2022. Today, we offer a broad range of travel ideas in ~150 different countries. Our traveling concepts serve a wide range of interest from wildlife lovers, active travelers as well as those who are interested in culture. The idea behind traveling in small groups or as a FIT is to deeply immerse our PAX into a destination while reducing our footprint to a minimum.

Input från Visit Sweden’s Travel Trade team i Tyskland:

“DIAMIR is a great partner in DACH. Sustainability in focus. They are also participating in the Nordic Workshop in Frankfurt in September.”

Client profile: As a tour operator who focuses on nature and adventure, our client profile are those who enjoy the outdoors and want to actively experience the destination, while learning more about culture and country. We have families, solo travellers, couples and groups of friends from all ages, however the biggest group are those between 40 and 65.

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: I’m a sales manager for Europe, mostly working with our destinations in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Greenland. We already offer husky tours around Östersund during the winter, but offering tours in the other seasons is definitely interesting, which is why a trip to the area in September sounds like a great opportunity. The sustainability efforts by Visit Sweden and especially that region align greatly with our own.

Fjordkind Reisen – Tyskland

“Wir bei Fjordkind-Reisen sind ein Reiseveranstalter spezialisiert auf Familienreisen nach Skandinavien mit ausgewählten, individuellen und vor allem kinderfreundlichen Reisen. Wir bieten Reisepakete, bei denen ihr alles aus einer Hand bekommt, damit ihr sorgenfrei in den Urlaub fahren könnt.”

Client profile: Fjordkind-Reisen is a tour operator specializing on trips for families to the Nordic countries. We offer tailor-made tours especially designed according to our customers wishes.
We are looking for tours, accommodations, destinations etc. which are suitable or even especially made for families or people traveling with kids. This could include cottages, apartments, hotels with bigger family rooms as well as hiking tours, adventure tours, road trips, boat tours. We offer tours all year round and across Scandinavia.
We focus on sustainability, good quality and we also like to work with small, family owned companies.

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: We already offer different tours in Southern and Northern Sweden but have not yet added Jämtland and Härjedalen to our portfolio. We would like to become more familiar with the area to create new exciting tours for our customers. We have many return customers that are interested to explore destinations that are not as well known.

Läs mer om reseföretaget som ägs av två kvinnor och som specialiserat sig på familjeresor till Skandinavien.

Tailormade Travel – Belgien

“Vi är ett familjeföretag som erbjuder skräddarsydda resor, med ett personligt bemötande i en vänlig atmosfär. Vår specialisering är guidade gruppresor , både inom Europa och till avlägsna platser. Med stöd av våra egna guider tillhandahåller vi turer som är genomarbetade in i minsta detalj. Din sorglösa semester börjar vid din ytterdörr och slutar med en återförening några månader efter resan. Du kan också kontakta oss med alla dina skräddarsydda gruppresor . Från skolor, familjer, till föreningar till idrottsföreningar som vill resa utomlands tillsammans, vi tillhandahåller transporter, boende och utflykter.”

Client profile: Senior groups, active families, young couples.

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: Familiarisation with this part of Sweden and its nature

Läs mer om Tailormade Travels i Genk, Belgien och deras hållbarhetspolicy 

Service-Reisen – Tyskland

“SERVICE-REISEN is one of the largest Group Travel Wholesalers in Europe and we are market leader in Germany.  Advising our clients and partners has been our core focus for the last 50 years. Creating bespoke itineraries for groups with innovate ideas is what we do. Quality, performance and partnership are the main focuses for each one of our over 170 service travel employees whose job it is to make your group travel as easy as possible. You can get an overview of SERVICE-REISEN in our company presentation.”

Client profile: Groups of clients 30 – 70 years old, interested in nature, outdoor, activity holidays, walking/hiking, typical and traditional sights and culture, winter tours, small groups (max 16) or FIT with stays in comfortable 3 to 4 star hotels, luggage transfer during the tours (hiking only with daypack).

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: Continuing education and training for new employees. Making interesting contacts.

Läs mer om Service-Reisen i Bottighofen, Tyskland och deras hållbarhetspolicy 

Highländer Reisen GmbH – Tyskland

“Highländer Reisen erbjuder unika och riskfria vandringsresor, oförglömliga huskyturer samt vinterresor”

Client profile: Gruppresor och individuella resenärer.

Why join the FAM-trip to Jämtland Härjedalen: Explore this region further, maybe include some sights/activities in existing itineraries, develop new products

Sustainability: We try to use public transport where possible, reduce printing (travel documents via email/online, less printing in the office), try to avoid inland flights, try to use family run hotels and restaurants with regional foods, …

Läs mer om Highländer Reisen i Cologne, Tyskland

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